Friday, July 20, 2012

Do good.

As sour and dour as I sometimes am (mostly for the laughs), when I find a glimmer of hope for what I believe has become a pitiful and self-destructing nation, I relish it and hold it high in hopes others will see.

(Oh, and I also hope against hope that it's real and not inter-web fakery, because that'd just piss me off all over again.)

Our boy wanted to join the Boy Scouts so badly ~ all his friends were scouts ~ we *just* couldn't allow it. 

Try explaining why not to an 8 year old. I think we did a pretty good job though;  "...the Boy Scouts *seem* do a lot of good things BUT they don't think all boys should be treated the same. It's one of their MAIN beliefs. Mommy and Daddy don't agree. What they do is unfair and wrong.  Let's go sign up for Martial Arts again!!!"

Thank you, Mr. Morrison.  If you're real.


  1. Based on the result, one might extrapolate that the Scouting experience gave him the courage to standup for himself.
